Sabrina T. Howell (New York University)

Title: “Opening up Military Innovation” How should governments procure innovation? One choice facing policymakers is whether to tightly specify the innovations they seek (a “Conventional” approach) or to allow firms to suggest ideas (an “Open” approach). We study a natural experiment in the U.S. Air Force Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program where Open and …

Maria P. Roche (Harvard Business School)

Title: “Open Sourcing and Startup Funding: Evidence from GitHub” We study the participation of nascent firms in open source communities and its implications forattracting funding. To do so, we exploit rich data on 160,065 US startups linking information fromCrunchbase to firms’ GitHub accounts. Estimating a within-startup model saturated with fixedeffects, we show that startups accelerate …

Jorge Guzman (Columbia University)

Title: “Entrepreneurial Migration” We use cross-state business registrations to track the geographic movement of startups with high growth potential. In their first five years, 6.6% percent of these startups move across state borders. Though startup births are concentrated geographically, hubs like Silicon Valley and Boston on net lose startups to entrepreneurial migration. A revealed preference …

Emmanuel Yimfor (University of Michigan)

Title: “Startup Experience, Venture Capital Experience, and First-time Venture Fund Performance” We study the sources of cross-sectional variation in the performance of first-time venture capital (VC) fund partners. We find that, relative to partners with startup experience, partners with VC experience are at least 20 percent more likely to invest in successful deals or start …

Bo Bian (University of British Columbia)

Title: “Did Western CEO Incentives Contribute to China’s Technological Rise?” We study the role of Western CEO incentives in fostering the technological rise of China. Due to China’s quid pro quo policy, foreign multinationals face a trade-off between the short-term benefits of accessing China’s vast market and the long-term costs of transferring technology to China. …