Submit your paper for the Fall seminar series



The 6th WEFI student-led workshop will take place virtually (Zoom) on November 1, 2024. Please submit your manuscript by September 27th, 2024 at 11:59pm EST.

Along with the lecture series and regular seminar series of the WEFI, this one-day event provides an opportunity for PhD students interested in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation to present their work and receive feedback from faculty in the area. Student-authored full-length papers from all disciplines covering areas of innovation and entrepreneurship are invited and preferred. Papers co-authored with faculty members are welcome if the student presents the paper at the workshop.

Papers can be submitted to [email protected]. Please mention the name of the presenting author in the subject line.

The workshop includes a best paper award of $500. 




20-min presentation, 10-min discussion and 5-min Q&A

Registration: Zoom registration required.


Student co-organizers: Alice Eliet-Doillet (EPFL), Yangyang Cheng (Bocconi University), Melissa Crumling (Drexel University), Tarikua Erda (Columbia University), Himal Gautam (BI Norwegian Business School), Blake Jackson (Florida University), Roham Rezaei (UNSW), Elizaveta Smorodenkova (LSE), Daisy Wang (Ohio State University), Pulkit Yadav (INSEAD).

Faculty co-organizers: Michael Ewens, Camille Hebert, Song Ma, and Melanie Wallskog

Past programs

Fall 2022

Spring 2022

Spring 2021F