When: Monday, February 1st, 2021, 12:00pm-2:30pm EST
12:00pm – “Monetary Policy in the Intangible Economy”
Author: Suleyman Gozen (University of Chicago)
Discussant: Francesco D’Acunto (Boston College)
12:35pm – “Does Private Equity Ownership Make Firms Cleaner? The Role Of Environmental Liability Risks”
Author: Aymeric Bellon (University of Pennsylvania)
Discussant: Shai Bernstein (HBS)
1:10pm – 10 min break
1:20pm – “Angels and Demons: The Negative Effect of Employees’ Angel Investments on Corporate Innovation”
Authors: Clemens Mueller (University of Mannheim) and Santanu Kundu (University of Mannheim)
Discussant: Camille Hebert (University of Toronto)
1:55pm – “Is There a Trade-off Between Protecting Investors and Promoting Entrepreneurial Activity? Evidence from Angel Financing”
Author: Jiajie Xu (Boston College)
Discussant: Ting Xu (Univ. of Virginia)