Title: “Surviving the FinTech Disruption”

This paper studies how demand for labor reacts to financial technology (fintech) shocks based on comprehensive databases of fintech patents and firm job postings in the U.S. during the past decade. We first develop a measure of fintech exposure at the occupation level by intersecting the textual information in job task descriptions and fintech patents. We then document a significant decline of job postings in the most exposed occupations, and an increase in industry as well as geographical concentration of these occupations. Firms resort to an upskilling strategy in face of the fintech disruption, requiring “combo” (finance and software) skills, higher education attainments, and longer work experiences in the hiring of fintech-exposed jobs. Financial firms and those with high innovation outputs are able to offset the disruptive effect from the fintech shock. Among innovating firms, however, only inventors (but not acquisition-driven innovators) experience growth in hiring, sales, investment, and enjoy better returns on assets.

Presenter: Wei Jiang (Columbia University)

Coauthors: Rachel (Jiqiu) Xiao (Georgia State University), Yuehua Tang (University of Florida) and Vincent Yao (Georgia State University)

Discussant: Lin William Cong (Cornell University)
